Hey Jammers! Lover0301 here. Today I am going to be telling you why AnimalJam HQ is bringing betas back. First of all, AJHQ hates scamming. We can make scamming stop if we ALL stop scamming Jammers. AnimalJam also hates how people brag about how much betas and rares they have. AnimalJam was made for making freinds and playing games with jammers. But now look what it has come to, scamming, inapropret behavior, those clanners in the forest, and the worst is bragging. Then they made the diamond shop. They put spikes and ledgends in it. Some very rare people were so disapointed. I wasn't I knew why they did that. They want jammers to not brag and scam! People STILL do not get it. Also people look at new jammers and say," Ewww your ugly." And that new jammer gets sad. Also when a new jammer has no rares people bully them and when that jammer wants to make freinds, they usally cant. That crisis is proboly going on RIGHT NOW in Jammaa. Please, help make this non sence stop. I hope everyone understands.~~Lover0301
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