Thursday, February 13, 2014

To New Jammers :)

Presantaion By Lover0301, enjoy you new Jammers.

You will need to know how to trade correctly and learn the betas, first. I will list some items, and I will list fair trades, and unfair trades. Also I will list the animaljam rules, that you must follow in order to play.

First we will start with the betas. Betas on AnimalJam mean like rare items, but they don't have the rare icon on them. You can not buy these items and you will only trade. I will start with clothing items that are beta.
Non member items that are beta...
Worns, everyone's favortite.
Fox hats, non member's hats that they were if they had them. A picture that i don't have but non member like are pirate swords (non member of course).

Now I will show you the member betas (and rares).
First up we have the spikes! Everyone wishes they had a few of these. (You can buy non beta ones in the diamond shop for three diamonds). There are also short spikes. As shown in this picture.

Second up we have the beards, not much people were them but they are really beta (not the rare one). 

The third most beta item is the founder (Gold one is more beta then the rest). Jammers love wearing these and they enjoy getting trades for these. (I have one myself).

The fourth most beta item is the headdress. Jammers LOVE this item and they are usally trying to get their paws on one or two. (Rare headdress is not more beta then the rest).

 Fifth most beta item is the lava glove. They are a great thing to wear in adventure because it takes the pathom's hives away quickly.

Sixth most beta item is the mummy glove. I do not know how good it is in adventures because I never experanced it. Jammers usally do not wear it. 

 And the last most beta item is the nature arch. I really enjoy this item for my den. But I have not had it yet, but I know it is pretty good by comments and the amount of people who wants them.

Now those are your top seven items.

I will be posting another blog about trading soon!


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