Thursday, February 13, 2014

The AnimalJam Viris, Be Careful

Hey guys! Did any of you hear the viris of Fman? Well.... he has a new account...! His new account is shown bellow.

If you get a gift from this player, don't open it. It will delete your AnimalJam account and everything on it.

Don't believe me?

Take a look for yourself...

 If you get a gift that looks like this, all the words glitched out, don't open it. I will send a viris through your computer (or laptop) and if it comes to the worst, it will wreck your pc.

 If you get the jam-a-gram from recycledbeards, recycle the whole jam-a-gram, unless you want to loose all of your items, account, and pc.  


Short Video about it...


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